A Box Full of Possibilities
When I was a little girl, my mom would cross stitch. I remember watching her work on a project, especially this gorgeous winter scene that she eventually had framed.
But, more than that, I remember her box of embroidery floss, all loaded onto these little cardboard bobbins...
Back then, cross stitch patterns that you would follow were always printed in black and white, and so you would truly only see the picture emerge once you embed added thread to canvas and allowed the picture to emerge, one stitch at a time
Until that happened, however, there the box would sit, a world of possibilities, arranged neatly into rows, a rainbow of colors waiting to be used to bring an image to life.
Now that I have refound my love of cross stitching, I have collected my own little box of floss (okay, I have enough floss for more than one box), that teems with the energy of the possibilities. What shall I create today? What will those colors bring to life? What picture shall emerge from the rainbow contained in my box?
I like to believe that we are all capable of great creative acts, of bringing beauty into this world. I like to believe that we have at our disposal the tools necessary to bring wonder to life, each in our own way. I like to believe that our toolbox teems with that energy, the promise of the rainbow of possibility...the promise of what is waiting to emerge at our hands.
What are your being called to create, to bring to life, to nurture into existence? What are the possibilities aching to be set free in wonder and beauty? What are you going to do to unleash creativity and joy into this world?
Don’t hesitate, you have a box full of possibility, and beauty is calling.
#masters2020 #mundaneholy #beauty #creativity